Monday, October 8, 2012

Car Box

My family is now in our fifth year of homeschooling. When we first started, K-boy was in third grade, M-girl was in pre-k, and D-boy was just two years old. Over the years my teaching responsibilities have grown. Now that D-boy is in first grade, I'm teaching three different 'real' grade levels.

I'll admit that it's a bit more challenging for me as far as keeping up with grading, and juggling my teaching time between the three kids. Before we even started the school year I made a really detailed schedule. I began by listing every course that each child is taking, and highlighting the ones that they need one on one time with me for. From there, I figured out how to break up my day to give that time to each child, and to still have the others working constructively while I'm teaching the third.

One thing that struck me was the amount of time that D-boy spends with me, waiting around for his older siblings to finish their activities. We get errands done during this time, and have fun together, but inevitably we end up spending some time just waiting in the car. I decided to put together a car box, full of school supplies, workbooks, and books that we want to read. We leave this in the car, so that it's always available when we need it.

Now D-boy and I put our waiting time to good use. He enjoys the chance to work with different materials than we use in our classroom, and also the novelty of working in the car. I feel more relaxed knowing that there is extra time built into our busy schedule to work on his new skills that he's rapidly acquiring as a first grader. Successfully homeschooling multiple children just takes a little thinking inside the box sometimes.

linking to:  Hip Homeschool Hop, Super Link Party


  1. I keep hearing about "Home Schooling" but I've never really thought much about it. You seem well equipped to handle this. You sound like a highly organized person and I'll bet you're a great teacher.

    1. Honestly, I didn't know much about it until we began looking into educational options for our kids. Once we started, it quickly became a lifestyle that works for our family. Oh, and teaching has forced me to become more organized!

  2. Awesome! Now, I have a car BAG. I usually stick our SOTW in it for those few minutes here and there. We've covered 70 pages in 4 weeks doing this! But I also usually carry my Kindle Fire which has only educational apps/games and if we have a connection the kids will watch a Netflix approved by Mom show (usually nature or science). And sometimes I throw in a cheap notebook and colored pencils for journaling or jotting down some Math review problems. It's pretty handy to pass the time!

    1. I'm so low-tech that I don't have a Kindle yet. I've seen people using them with their kids though, and they look like they come in handy!

  3. multitasking at its finest!!
    I have a stash of things to do while I wait at the dr office, dentist appt etc..I agree...put our waiting time to use!!

  4. Great idea! I think this a brilliant solution and I give you props for managing it all!

    1. It's amazing what you come up with when you have to!

  5. What a great idea and a great use of time. I am sure it helps to pass the time faster, too...instead of just waiting.

    1. He gets upset if we don't have time to use the box!

  6. Great idea! Thanks for sharing. Is the stuff in the box items that you don't use on a daily basis for school? You said you leave it in the car so it seems like it's not the everyday reading, math, spelling.

    1. Yes, it's all things that are educational, but not every day curriculum.
