The award works this way. First, the nominee must thank the blogger that nominated her and link back to their blog. Next she must nominate ten bloggers for the award. Then there is a list of ten questions to answer, and finally the Sunshine Award button must be posted on the blog.
Due to my camping trip, and then houseguests, I am horribly late in fulfilling these obligations, but now I'm finally getting to them.
So thank you, Susie! It's such an honor to be nominated and it's really made my whole week! Susie can be found at Earning My Cape, where she blogs about homeschooling, crafts and recipes. She hosts a wonderful linky party each week that is lots of fun.
The next part, nominating fellow bloggers for the award has been tough for me. There are so many wonderful blogs and really talented bloggers to choose from, I've had a difficult time narrowing it down to just ten. In the end, I tried to narrow it down to fairly new blogs that I'd love for others to discover and enjoy as I have. Here is my list in a random order.
1- Angie at Echoes of Laughter, is a Canadian blogger who posts about her family, projects, and cooking. I'm very envious of her organizational skills!
2- Lisa at Wine & Glue, tells of her life as a mom of small children, as well as posting about crafts and recipes.
3- Meredith at Mom of the Year, is a SAHM who makes me laugh with her parenting stories. She also has some sound advice about living on a single income.
4- Emmy at EmmyMom - One Day at a Time, speaks her mind about parenting issues, and also posts about crafting and recipes. She hosts some great linky parties, where you can actually brag about your kids without anyone minding!
5- Eddie at The Usual Mayhem, is a homeschooling mom who posts about nature, books and projects. She's great at finding learning opportunities everywhere.
6- Miriam and Erika at Be Book Bound, are sisters who share a blog about books and come up with recipes and crafts related to the stories. We seem to share very similar tastes in reading, so I really enjoy checking to see what they've come up with lately!
7- Sue at Journeying Sue, is a homeschooling mom who blogs about living with and educating her large family. She's further along on her homeschool journey than I am, so I find her advice about homeschooling teens very helpful.
8- Mary at One Realistic Mom, posts realistic stories about parenting, and being outnumbered by little people. She manages to tell about the tough side of parenting, while never losing sight of the wonderful aspects of it.
9- Darci at STEM Mom, is a science teacher and a mom, who posts about all kinds of great experiments and projects to do with the kids. Her blog is a wonderful source of educational information for all parents, whether their kids go to public school or homeschool.
10- Cheryl at Prickly Banana, blogs about home decorating and her wonderful DIY projects. I tend to look at the pictures and think, I really should try that. I just love her blog's name too!

Congratulations ladies! You all have wonderful blogs that I hope everyone will stop by to check out. Now it's time for me to answer the ten questions about myself.
1- Favorite Color: Periwinkle. I think it's the perfect combination of lavender and blue.
2- Favorite Animal: Black bear. We used to live in bear country, and as long as we were safely in the house, it was really neat to look out the window when one would wander into the yard.
3- Favorite Number: Whatever ages my kids happen to be at the time. Right now, my favorite numbers are 12, 8, and 6.
4- Favorite Drink: In the mornings, it's coffee with hazlenut creamer. Most of the time, it's plain water, and if I'm celebrating, it's red wine.
5- Facebook or Twitter: I have a confession to make. I'm terrible with technology and I haven't joined either yet (I will be soon though). It's amazing that I blog!
6- Good Book or Good Movie: There's no question...good book! Sometimes I read while watching a movie.
7- My Passion: My family. Everything I do is ultimately for them.
8- Giving or Getting Gifts: Giving, I think. Although I tend to stress about it. You don't want to talk to me right before Christmas or a birthday. I'm a basket case!
9- Favorite Day: Christmas. The whole season is my favorite. Then as soon as the decorations come down, I'm ready for winter to be over.
10- Favorite Flower: That's hard, they're all so pretty! I'll go with an old-fashioned lilac, because they're delicate, beautiful, and smell so good.
So there you have it. If you've been nominated don't forget to grab the button and start thinking about who you will nominate. Be sure to take some time to check out some of these great blogs!
Thanks Patricia!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!
DeleteThank you so much! And wow not on FB or twitter! That is kind of impressive. I just joined twitter more recently and like both for different reasons but yrs, then it is one more thing to do.
ReplyDeleteIt;s been on my to-do list for the longest time to join Facebook...I'm determined to do it soon!
DeleteThanks so much!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome!
DeleteAww! This is awesome! Thanks so much for making my day! It may take me a bit, but I will definitely pass this along to some bloggers who are a ray of sunshine to me. Thank you, thank you! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! It's making my day to pass it on to everyone!
DeleteThank you so much Patricia! You are so very sweet to think of me! Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Happy 4th! Angie xo
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome, Angie! You have a great holiday as well!
DeleteReally?! Me and my family? I am honored Patricia. I always love to hear from you...even when you're NOT nominating me for something! Can't wait to visit the other ladies' blogs!
You're welcome, Sue. You deserve it!
DeleteI just got back to America after 3 weeks of being totally out of the loop and I'm so excited to be nominated!!! Thank you! I will get right on this, feling a little overwhelmed right now!!!
ReplyDeleteNo worries, Mary. I hope your trip was amazing!